
Code of Conduct

Slovenská verzia


For company Gopas SR, a.s. is one of the main objectives the openness of the Conference and related workshops/seminars to all. Regardless of gender, religion, health handicap, sexual orientation and race.
Our code of conduct is a summary of our wishes and expectations, how should all of the participants, speakers and partners at these events behave. We ask all participants of our conferences, to contribute by any means together with us, to prepare safe and positive course during these events.

Expected behavior
We expect from you to refrain from any discriminatory, unworthy and harassing speech and behavior. We also expect respect for other participants in the Conference and compliance with the organizer's instructions. If you find yourself in a dangerous situation inappropriate behavior methods listed below, contact our team immediately.

Unacceptable behavior
Among the unacceptable behavior belongs any discriminatory, offensive, humiliating, intimidating or harmful behavior of you as participant, attendant, speaker or conference partner of company Gopas SR, a.s. To harassment belong aggressive speech against sex, race, religion, sexual orientation and health handicap. Then an unseemly use of nudity and/or sexually explicit images in public places (including presentations of speakers). Persecution, deliberate intimidation, harassing, photographing or recording, continuous disruption of lectures or other program, including unwanted sexual attention or improper physical contact is also among the unacceptable behavior.

The consequences of unacceptable behavior
The above-described unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated under any circumstances. We expect that, if you are the originator of the unacceptable behavior and you will be notified on this behavior, you will start to follow the code of ethics immediately. If you start to act inappropriately and in contravention to this code, the Conference organizers have permission to use all means to prevent such behavior. The organizers have right to exclude you from the Conference without any refund of entrance fee.

What to do if you are a witness or a victim of unacceptable behavior
If you find yourself in a situation where you are witness to inappropriate behavior or even become its target, contact the conference organizers or conference staff, who will be available to deal with the problem immediately.

The conference staff will verify the situation and, if necessary, call the venue security team or one of the relevant local security forces.

Emergency phone numbers:
112-The single European emergency call number
150-Fire Rescue Brigade of the SLOVAK REPUBLIC
155-Medical rescue service

Contact our team:
Anna Firkaľová: + 421 902 903 113

Gopas SR, a.s. expects that all visitors and participants of conferences (speakers, partners, attendants) are binding to comply this Code of Conduct in all areas of the Conference and all the accompanying events.

This Code of Conduct is modified version of the Code of Conduct at the Conference Open Source Bridge . (Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license).